Best Practice Guidelines: Stock Management

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9. Summary: Stock Take (Flowchart)

9.3. Day of Stock Take

Step 5 - Print Amended Counting Sheets

Only the counting sheets that were amended should be reprinted. Make sure the correct counting sheets are printed for the day of the stock take.


Step 6 - Snapshot

When you are ready to start counting your stock you must create a snapshot to "freeze" (makes an image) of the stock quantities on the time and date, now you can start the count.

The Snapshot takes the following items into account:

  • All active items linked to selected counting locations, even with zero levels
  • Items not linked to the bin with non-zero levels in the warehouse.

An indicator on the variance report will show if the item is inactive or not linked to the counting location and warehouse.

There should be a snapshot made for each category - Medicine and Materials.

Step 6 - Multi-Warehouse setup

When multiple warehouses are used, the same steps need to be taken on each warehouse. Each warehouse must have 2 snapshots with multiple counting locations. One for Materials and one for Medicine, with their own locations.

Step 7 - Start Counting

Please remember the following information when you do the count:

  • Personnel must count in pairs of 2
  • Each pair should contain a medical practitioner and an admin person 
  • Count in units, not in packs
  • When there is a full pack convert the pack into units. 
  • Do not open closed packs, write the units as indicated on the boxes.
  • When you count syrup, cream, ointment or liquid you must count the grams or millilitres
  • You must write with a pen
  • When you made a mistake on your counting sheet, draw a line through the incorrect quantity, write the correct quantity, and you and your partner must sign next to the correct quantity.
  • You and your partner must sign on each counted page and write the date of the count on the page
  • Items that are not on your counting sheet, write them on the bottom of the counting sheet with the description, strength, size and the quantity that was counted
  • Always count from the shelve to your list, never from the list to the shelve
  • Concentrate when you count

After completing the count and counted sheets, the capturing on the system starts. When the Snapshot and the counting are done the Warehouse can open again. In other words, the stock can be removed or bought into the warehouse.

If the pack size is incorrect on the system, capture the counted units and correct the pack size after the stocktake. The system will calculate the packs again.