Best Practice Guidelines: Stock Management

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11. Appendix A: Configuration & Onboarding

This chapter is meant to be read by clients of GoodX who start to implement stock management. Client stock onboarding is the process of assisting you to design, configure and implement stock processes in your practice / hospital.

This chapter will provide information so that:

  1. The practice / hospital can implement proper change management strategies so that the onboarding can be successful;
  2. The practice / hospital will know which information to provide GoodX during the stock analysis so that GoodX can configure the software to meet the practice or hospital's custom needs.
Starting to manage stock has its challenges that can easily be overcome by proper planning and consultation. GoodX will contact the practice / hospital prior to implementation for a stock analysis, and process design, the details of which are discussed below. GoodX will also facilitate a stock take facilitation to ensure correct quantities for the start up and will do an onboarding process for easy implementation of stock management.

Onboarding & Change Management

The prospect of doing stock management can be daunting for personnel who have never been involved in stock management. Often new business processes need to be designed and optimised. The critical business process diagram read together with this best practice manual and the user manuals can be guides to design these processes.

It is imperative that all personnel who's work will have an impact on the stock quantity are involved and positive about the onboarding process and that the person who performs the role of practice manager / hospital manager takes control as change agent. If personnel are not involved and supportive of the process, the onboarding can fail.

The change agent:

  1. should make sure that all personnel know of the transition to the stock mangement process and are positive about the change;
  2. should evaluate and document all processes in the practice / hospital so that amendments can be easily designed and communicated to all personnel;
  3. must be the one providing instructions to GoodX about the stock analysis, configuration, process design and support requests.

Onboarding consists of the following stages:

  1. Docs & Fees: Completing the GoodX Stock Licence Agreement, completing all documents and third party contracts as well as paying the configuration and onboarding fee.
  2. Collaborate with all personnel to get everyone involved in the change over.
  3. Completing a stock analysis with the practice manager / hospital manager AND stock controller to obtain all necessary information to configure the software for the needs of the practice / business.
  4. Evaluate and design stock processes based on the stock module's functionality.
  5. Personnel receiving training on the stock module and continuing their learning via the online Learning Centre.
  6. Advanced configuration of the stock module. (Warehouses, counting locations, sub-classes and active item list.)
  7. Stock take facilitation - the first stock take under the supervision of GoodX to secure opening quantities on the stock module.
  8. On-site onboarding by GoodX personnel to:
    1. make sure all users have the correct access to the stock module;
    2. assist the practice manager / hospital manager and stock controller to either implement new work processes or to make any necessary changes to establish optimal work processes;
    3. assist users to customise the software according to their user preferences;
    4. check that personnel use the software correctly;
    5. help personnel to implement their training knowledge with the use of the stock module;
    6. to quality ensure the configuration and application of the training.

Onboarding schedule:

A typical stock onboarding schedule will look like this:

Date Onboarding Stage GoodX Department(s) involved
Before Go Live Date Sign Contract, Configuration & Onboarding Fee Payment & Completion of Documents Marketing
Before Go Live Date Stock Analysis for custom Configuration & Process Design Onboarding
Before Go Live Date Stock Management Training:
  1. At the GoodX training centre - R1,800.00 pd OR
  2. Virtual webinar training (YouTube) - FREE OR
  3. On site: R1,8000.00 pd & travel & accommodation
Before Go Live Date Stock Module Advanced Configuration
1 Day Before Go Live Date Stock Take Facilitation Onboarding
Go Live Date
On site Onboarding (Assistance) Onboarding
After Go Live Date  Support by Client Liaison:

Software Configuration based on the Practice Analysis

A team member of the training & onboarding team will contact the practice / hospital for a stock analysis & process design. The outcome that needs to be achieved is that GoodX will be able to properly configure the stock module for the needs of the practice / hospital and be in a position to properly prepare for the onboarding of the practice / hospital with the go live date of the stock module.

Some of the information that will be required will be:

  1. The layout of the practice / hospital (counting locations, warehouses etc)
  2. The stock item movement through the practice / hospital and workflow of the employees
  3. Who the users are and which roles do they perform in the practice / hospital
  4. The stock file that will be used by the practice / hospital (Medprax / iQest)
  5. List of every entity/practice number’s creditors
  6. Suppliers (creditors) opening balances for the trial balance
  7. The warehouses and counting locations to be configured for the stock (places where the stock is kept);
  8. The active stock list with Nappi codes in excel and divided into counting locations (e.g. code, description, Nappi code, pack size, price and counting location (places where the stock is kept Consultation room – cupboard 1 – drawer 1)
  9. Sub-class per item (eg needles, consumables etc)
  10. Which stock items should be marked as non-chargeables?
  11. Which stock items should be marked as non-stock items? (Costing but without movement).