Transferring a Patient to a New Ward/Bed

The most common reason for transferring a Patient to another Ward is when they were in ICU and need to be transferred to a regular Ward because their health improved, or when they need to be transferred from a regular Ward to ICU because the Patient became weaker. 

When a patient requests to transfer to another bed, it is usually because they are dissatisfied with their current bed.

Web App:

Shortcut: N/A

Roadmap: NW > MOD Hospital - S Case Management > T Bed Management - S Bed Management > B Transfer Case (of Case which needs to be moved) - S Transfer Case 

User Manual Link: Transferring a Patient to a New Ward/Bed

Desktop App:

Shortcut: N/A

Roadmap: MOD Med Debs - S Debtor Manager > TB > B Beds - S Ward/Bed Placement > Select Ward/Bed > B Transfer patient in - S Cases List for selecting a patient for bed management > Desired Case > B Continue - S Date and Time > B Ok - S Ward/ Bed Placement

User Manual Link: DA: Bed Management - Transfer Patient (In Hospital)

» Hospital Glossary