Best Practice Guidelines: Hospital Patient Administration

Copyright © 2019 GoodX Software. All rights reserved.

GoodX online Learning Centre

1. Introduction to GoodX Software

1.2. Tutorials, Webinars & Blogs

GoodX provides ongoing FREE training for clients by means of:

  1. Tutorials for the Web App on the YouTube channel and embedded into the User Manuals
  2. Webinars available on the GoodX YouTube channel and embedded into the User Manuals
  3. Blogs on the GoodX website and other social media
  4. Nutshells provided on the front page of the Learning Centre to inform and remind clients of capabilities built into the software to make work-life easier and more efficient.


The GoodX YouTube channel hosts a lot of training tutorials on the use of GoodX Web App functions. These Tutorials are also embedded into the User Manuals on the Learning Centre so that clients can easily navigate to the relevant training material. The tutorials are grouped together into playlists according to the critical business process diagram segments.

Tutorial playlists look like this:

If you click on the playlist, it will start with the first tutorial in the list and the whole menu will be visible on the right side of the screen. If you are interested in another tutorial, you can just click on the one that you want to view.

Tutorials are labeled like this:

The blue label will indicate the relevant segment and the green label will indicate the content of the tutorial.


All GoodX webinar training events are created on the GoodX YouTube channel. You can set a reminder for the event and join as soon as the event starts. To navigate to the YouTube channel, you can click on the image in the top right corner of the Learning Centre. The webinars are grouped into playlists by the training dates.

Webinar playlists look like this:

Training is divided into the segments of the relevant diagrams so that the content is broken up into shorter training sessions for easy reference after the training. Eg Fundamental training for the Hospital Patient Administration training will be divided into the following segments according to the critical business process diagrams:

  • Triage
  • Theatre & Bed Scheduling
  • Authorisation & Confirmation
  • Pre-Admission etc

Each session has its own event on the channel and participants will progress through the events as the training continues. All events linked to one webinar is grouped together into a playlist and the events will progress in the order as depicted in the diagrams.

The playlists are labeled like this:

Live webinars have the following advantages:

  1. Trainees can join from home or work and don't have to travel to the GoodX training centre;
  2. Trainees can interact with the trainer by typing questions into the live chat. The questions will either be answered in the live chat or the trainer will repeat and answer the questions at the end of each session;
  3. All webinars are automatically recorded and can, therefore, be revisited for future reference - users can listen to only those sessions that are applicable to their work;
  4. Completed and saved webinars are a wonderful training resource.

You can join a GoodX webinar training event by:

  1. clicking on the Webinars image at the top right corner of the home page of the Learning Centre to navigate to the GoodX YouTube channel; OR
  2. clicking on the link that will be sent to you by GoodX upon request for an event (especially when a private paid training event was booked); OR
  3. directly navigating to the GoodX YouTube channel.

You will need the following items to participate in the webinar:

  • Good internet connection
  • Computer
  • Earphones or speakers
  • Keyboard to type questions
  • Your own YouTube channel to be able to chat (see below) - if you don't have a channel, you can view & listen but not chat with the trainer.


The GoodX website hosts blogs about content applicable to healthcare businesses. The content of the blogs can be read on the GoodX Facebook page and short summaries of blog content will be posted on our twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram accounts to remind subscribed clients to read the full blog posts.

Subscribe to our channels and switch on notifications so that you will always receive updates of new learning information.

The more you get to know the software that is the backbone of your practice, the more efficient your administrative work will become and the more optimised and profitable your business will become.