An introduction to the protection of personal information in the healthcare practice

8. The 8 conditions for lawful processing of PI

8.5. Information quality (Section 16)


A RP must take reasonably practicable steps, with regards to the purpose for which PI is collected or further processed, to ensure that the PI is:
  1. Complete
  2. Accurate
  3. Not misleading
  4. Updated

1. Complete

A record can be accurate, but incomplete.


  1. Submission of claims to medical aids that have incomplete patient information can result in unnecessary unpaid claims, adding an unnecessary financial burden to the DS.
  2. Incomplete PI can lead to erroneous patient treatment, e.g. a patient can have allergic reactions to medications prescribed due to incomplete allergies data.

2. Accurate

This refers to the correctness of a record.


  1. A failure to update contact details of a patient can lead to PI coming into possession of unauthorised persons.
  2. Failure to update a new practice address can lead to suppliers delivering at a wrong address.

3. Not misleading

Inaccurate or outdated PI can easily be misleading.


  1. A failure to update a dependant on a medical aid on the system can lead to the false impression that a patient has funds to settle medical aid claims.
  2. If a dispencing license is not renewed and communicated on the practice's documentation, the inaccurate information can lead to misleading impressions of patients about the available services of the practice.

4. Updated

If a mistake or inaccuracy comes to the attention of a responsible party, steps should be taken to rectify it. What those steps should entail will depend on the circumstances, the type of PI involved and the purposes for which it is used. The accuracy of highly sensitive PI or PI that is used to make important decisions about the DS, e.g. a patient's treatment plan, is more important than more mundane PI, e.g. the next of kin of an employee or patient.


  1. A failure to update PI can lead to the wrong treatment of a patient.
  2. A failure to update contract information with your service provider (software / bureau) will lead to loss of income.

It is therefore of utmost importance to implement solutions that will assist the practice in making sure that the quality of their PI is of a high standard.