System Options Setup Hospitals

2. Dispensing

  • Dispensing License: License number a Dr/Medical Practice needs to have to be able to dispense medication/consumables/needles etc. Cant dispense Medication without a license.
  • Specify global rule for calculation of professional dispensing fee: This is the rule that has been applied that says that depending on your schedule, depending on the amount, there will be a certain mark up on the dispensed priced. But if the Doctor is a Private Practice the moment a Doctor tells you he wants a 50% mark up on all his consumables, he will use Multitier. Use Multitiermust generally be selected as Default.
  • Select the Medical Aid Option: All Medical Aids can still determine their own rule on the dispensing price/percentage.
  • Multitier Markups: This is all general, global set rules by the Medical Aids. Multitier gives the Doctor money mark up. 
  • NOTE: Only Dispencing GP's and Sisters can Dispence.